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A 2-Step Journey

by Sri Anandagiriji

Enlightenment – Oneness is a 2-step journey, and each step consists of many steps, each leading to the other. In this 2-step journey, when you have reached the first step, you may say that you are in a Oneness State. But a more complete Oneness State would be to arrive at the second and then of course your can go beyond Enlightenment. While the majority of the human race may reach the first step, which itself is very satisfactory, it is very essential that the people who have undergone the 21 day process reach the second step in order to be a part of the 64,000 who would play a key role in the Enlightenment of mankind.

What is the first step? – When the speed of sensory co-ordination is reduced, the natural born “self” which also may be called ‘the natural self or the biological self’, ceases. The natural self that emerges because of the above said reason creates the sense of separateness or the ‘body-identity’ (me & my body), When you feel that you don’t exist (I am not there), or that your body is not your body, we may say that your ‘biological self’ has ended. This is Oneness - step 1.

Step 2 – the higher Enlightenment is when not only has the ‘biological self’ ceased, with it the ’psychological self’ must end. Only then, have you become the ‘Auspicious One’ what is the ‘psychological self? – The mind with its contents, comparisons, hurt, hate, becoming, mental blocks, traumas, manias and phobias, earthly passions, obsessions, etc., is the ‘psychological self’.

When you have become dis-passionate (appeasement of obsessions), when your experience is free of mental influences, then we may say you are truly in a Oneness State. The end of craving is the end of the ‘psychological self’. The Oneness Blessing that was been given to you by Sri AmmaBhagavan in the 21 day process would eventually lead you to the higher state of Oneness.

The path to the higher state of Oneness (step 2) is not a very pleasant experience. You will be gripped by causeless fear (fear without any apparent reasons), causeless depression, loneliness and meaninglessness, even an urge to die. If you can muster enough courage and trust Sri AmmaBhagavan (The Divine Presence), and stay with this feeling, which might last a few days – a few weeks, you will become the ‘Auspicious One’ (God Realized). In order to arrive here, you cannot avoid this phase. This phase we call ‘The Dark Night Of The Soul’.