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It is difficult to know how quickly someone will go into a permanent awakened state after receiving Mukthi Deeksha. Many who shared their experiences with me had immediate results. Of course, we are not all the same. It is important to understand that the experience for some people during the Mukthi Deeksha will be quite electric & powerful with all manner of visions & fireworks & kundalini phenomena, while for others it could be a very gentle & subtle unfolding over a period of hours or days and may lack the fireworks expected. The awakened state is not necessarily something "flashy". It is our natural state, characterized by the experience of reality as it is, free from the chatter & interference of the mind, free from conflict & resistance, a state of clarity & joy without a sense of separation. This process deepens as we become more aware in the present moment and strengthen our connection to the Divine.

One of the most life-changing deekshas I ever received was so subtle that I initially felt nothing and thought it was a total failure. I was very disappointed. Every other deeksha I had experienced before this was tangibly powerful and immediately plunged me into an altered state. The next day after receiving that deeksha it struck me like a ton of bricks that, although unnoticed by me and without any big flashes or bangs, this seemingly impotent deeksha had gently & permanently erased many years of suffering. All that remained inside of me was vast emptiness & silence with bliss gently unfolding at the center, something that has remained with me permanently.
We should also understand that the word "Bliss" is often misunderstood as meaning only a peak state of intoxication with extreme joy & ecstasy. However a synonym for "Bliss" is simply "mellowness" or "peaceful acceptance". In the awakened state there is the simple experience of "what is" without conflict & resistance. This results in peace, stillness & conservation of energy that was previously being consumed by the struggles of the mind. This surplus of energy may bubble up resulting in ecstasy and supreme joy or it may simply result in a state of peaceful calm & clarity in which the intelligence & compassion of the heart can shine forth. That is Bliss.

Since there are so many misconceptions attached to "Enlightenment", we often prefer to use the word "Awakened" to describe this state. It is different than visions of galaxies, brilliant lights, intense electricity coursing through the body, out of body experiences, psychic perceptions, visions of God and other expanded states of consciousness which are the effects of kundalini energy activating the chakras (usually a temporary condition). The awakened state on the other hand is characterized by freedom from the divisive chatter of the mind & from the feeling of separation and the experience of reality as it is and of oneself as Existence-Consciousness-Bliss (Sat-Chit-Ananda). Read Sri Bhagavan's explanation of the awakened state during the webcast at

The awakened state does not mean the absence of thoughts & charges. In this state the mind is still there even though we are free from it's chatter and domination. We may well experience an ongoing stream of thoughts and charges. We need not identify with them or name them. The thoughts and charges are experienced in awareness without conflict or resistance. Awareness is freedom (mukti). To see is to be free. If we resist them and seek to escape or to "fix" them, they persist and we are controlled by the unconscious charges. If we are aware of the charges, if we see them and simply experience them, then we are free from conflict and the charges & thoughts do not control us