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Sri Bhagavan's Skype Dharsan 12th March 2011 UK

I was saying that people must take Deekshas, once in a week at least.
Ideally it should be their birthday. Supposing you are born on a
Monday, then Mondays you take the Deeksha. You can take it the same
day, again and again repeatedly every Monday, and the same place, the
same altar, and the same time, so you could decide in advance: 5.30,
6.30, 7.30.
So the formula is: same day, same place, same time.

You must receive the Deeksha, from either from the Srimurthi or the
Padukas or both.

Padukas could generate energy for health and Sri Murthi awakening.

And before you take the Deeksha, you must chant for 49 minutes any one of any one of the 21 points we have given you. So Wednesday let's say, what you must say is 'I do not prefer difficulty'. I know it is going
to happen. chant it for 49 mins and take the Deeksha. as you keep
doing that, your level of Consciousness keeps rising, or you might
find that you are awakened. Not only that, as Conscious levels go up,
you will find that your problems, finance problems, health problems,
difficulty problems, whatever problems that you might be faced, they
slowly die away without even any effort. It will actually disappear.
You will not feel worried, it will grow. [??] as you keep going in,
you will find that we are ready to come out of the Srimurthi, we could
shake hands with you, we could be with you, we could walk and talk
with you, all phenomenon starts. It is already happening for a lot of
people, and it will fully happen for you also.

Thank you Bhagavan…

If it happened to give you those sacred ashes from the Srimurthi, you
should apply it on the forehead and then you will go to higher states.
{If you receive panir Bhakti} from padukas, you can consume it for
health. If oil too, depending on oil, you can use it whenever you feel

You must learn to use the products we make from the srimurthi  oil,
water, ghee, grapefruit, what not. {?????} If something is coming of
the srimurthi, take the ash from the Sri Murthi, apply on your
forehead it will improve your consciousness

Can we now move for prayer now?
Yes Bhagavan
Yes Love you all