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Sri Bhagavan Webcast

12 September 2010

Thanks to Maria Bernett for the transcript

Love you all. Love you so much. Nice to be back with you once again. So very nice to be back with you. So we will start the process without any delay.

I will be giving you a deeksha today to help you become aware of one's craving for significance.  The easiest and fastest way to grow on the spiritual path is to be intensely aware of one's craving for significance. 

In a short while from now I will be giving you the deeksha Indian style. That is, I will be going into a state of deep meditation and you would touch the padukas and receive the deeksha or whatever items are in front of the Sri Murthi or any item in front of you.

So as I move into meditation, you would receive the deeksha from the padukas or from any item that you have placed in front of the television screen or whatever screen is there.

Over the following week I would be giving you either a message or a teaching or a commentary which would be posted on our website.

You would have to get into the website and contemplate on the teaching or the message or the commentary, and the deeksha I would be giving would be appropriate to whatever has been spoken for the particular week.

These deekshas would be immensely powerful and they would be stepped up every week. Week after week they would be continuously stepped up.

Now, as I move into meditation, you would come and receive the deeksha and then you would meditate along with me for the next 15 minutes. After that you would move into the sacred space and meditate for as long as you want.  That is up to you.

So now we start the meditation and the deeksha.