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Rome, Italy 1/9/10
During this call Sri Bhagavan explains how to give deeksha (with instructions for how to hold a specific intent & achieve miracles) - very helpful! Thanks to Blessing Giver Steve Richie for making the partial transcript below.

1. Relax the person and you should also relax. The one receiving and the diksha giver should go into the same posture.

2. Try to synchronize your breathing with that of the receiver.

3. Contemplate on his/her problem. We must inquire what the problem is and what is the solution he wants. You must wait until you feel for him with his problem. If the feeling is not there the blessing is not going to be powerful. You must really feel this man or woman must be helped. As you do this you completely begin to feel the other person. You sort of become one with his suffering. You can call on the divine. You can pray to the divine. You can beg the divine you can talk to the divine. You can do whatever you like. So, you can talk to the divine and say please help this person. After the prayer you must see the solution. You must not focus on the problem. You must focus on the solution.

4. Holding the picture of the solution. For example, “This person has enough money” you would place your hands on him. Repeat the prayer such as, “Please give this to this man” and say thank you.

5. In case the feeling is not there say please come back after some time. The feeling is the connection between you and the divine and the divine and him. If there is no feeling you should not go ahead with the diksha.

6. In giving the diksha you must be purely aware that you are only a communicator, an instrument, you are merely a wire between the divine and him. The divine wants to help but needs intermediaries. The divine has chosen you to help him.

7, Like in your bank you have a good karma account and a bad karma account. As we keep helping people like this, your good karma account grows and grows and grows. The advantage is you can convert your good karma or cash your good karma to help yourself. For a health problem you could cash your good karma. You have a marital problem you could cash your good karma. If you have a relationship problem you could cash your good karma. So as you are helping you will be able to help yourself.

8. And the more the communication between you and the divine, the more the faith, anything can happen. You’ll be able to achieve such results which could be called miracles. But we do not see them as miracles. So, anybody can do anything.

9. The normal diksha giver can effortlessly help so many people. You should thank the divine for making you an instrument.