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Oneness Guide Doug Bentley's visit to Flowering Heart Center Clearwater Florida, Aug. 4, 2010

Doug met with the Oneness Trainers in the afternoon.

Doug, Buddha & Bhavani

Buddha, Bhavani & Michael, so much LOVE!

Pranarose, Bhavani & Nancy

We had a potluck supper for nearly 100 Deeksha Givers! Yummm!

110 people crowded Flowering Heart for Doug's evening session!

Everyone sang the Moola Mantra while we waited for Doug to begin.

Doug poured out Grace, wisdom & humor into the night, filling us all with renewed passion & enthusiasm for the vision & work of Oneness!

We added this photo from our wedding 3 years ago just for fun. It expresses so well how much we enjoy living together in Oneness!

Thank you, Doug Ji!

Thank you Sri Amma & Sri Bhagavan!

Thank you all for joining us in Oneness!

AmmaBhagavan Sharanam!